Allow all things to be possible,for all things are possible! /
Ono cemu date energiju i emociju postaje realnost! TO JE DAR SVAKOG LJUDSKOG BICA,CEMU GOD DATE EMOCIJU ,TO POSTAJE REALNOST ZA VAS!
There is not going to be the end of civilization in 2012! |
There is not going to be the end of civilization in 2012!
Planet Earth is a living being,it has its own aura,which was damaged by people's arrogant attitude and behavior. People's actions brought to major disruption of climate,and not only climate,damage was done on the overall plan. They did so many wrong things to this Planet,which is why we have so many bad things going on in our lives. People have forgotten that they are not alone in the cosmos and that some other higher power rules us from above,which can be called by various names. It is God,or universal Mind,as we can read often in literature..call it whatever you want,God is one for all and we are all very closely connected. As representatives of this civilization,people have alienated themselves from God. Their level of awareness is low, they run only for profit,forgetting to be compassionate,to help the weak,they are turning greedy.Hence,they do not work on raising the level of personal spirituality,as a civilized moment demands.The man is almost completely alienated from nature and does not function according to natural,cosmic laws which have been given to this civilization as a code. Another reason is the full materialization of the world, money is the most important thing, spirituality is generally a matter of one's image, not the essence of being.Therefore Planet punishes with floods,cyclones,misery,fear,illness.. There is hatred and negative information inside people.All this will lead to great cataclysm. However,there is not going to be the end of civilization in 2012 as we have read in many magazines and heard some statements from people who consider themselves prophets.There are going to be natural disasters at first and then our Planet will react.A quantitative leap of civilization follows.Whoever manages to accustom himself in a new dimension is going to remain.In the decades to follow,money will not have value,only the personal growth of each individual will count.How well we built our inner being for achieving earthly task for which we were born.
Contact E-mail : mladjan.kundacina@yahoo.com
Planeta Zemlja je zivo bice, ima svoju auru koju su ljudi ove civilizacije svojim pogresnim potezima i bahatim ponasanjem ostetili i izazvali velike poremecaje,ne samo na klimatskom, vec na ukupnom planu. Ucinili su lose Planeti, otuda, izmedju ostalih uzroka i losa dogadjanja. Ljudi su zaboravili da nisu u kosmosu sami ,da nad svima nama vlada visa sila koja ima razlicite nazive. To je Bog,ili univerzalni Um kako cesto pise u literaturi, nazovite kako hocete,Bog je jedan za sve i svi smo medju sobom povezani.Predstavnici ove civilizacije su se otudjili od Boga,njihov stepen svesnosti je pao, trce samo za profitom,zaboravljaju na samilost,pomoc slabome,cine zlo, pohlepni su i zlobni i sto je jako bitno -ne rade na podizanju licnog stepena duhovnosti,sto civilizacijski trenutak zahteva. Covek se gotovo potpuno otudjio od prirode i ne funkcionise po prirodnim ,kosmickim zakonima koji su dati kao kod ovoj civilizaciji. Drugi razlog je u potpunoj materijalizaciji sveta, novac je najvaznija stvar,duhovnost je,generalno gledano stvar necijeg imidza,a ne sustina bica. Zbog toga, Planeta kaznjava: poplave, cikloni, beda, strah, bolesti… U ljude se uselila mrznja i negativna informacija. Sve to ce dovesti do velike kataklizme. Medjutim, 2012. nece biti kraj civilizacije kako pise u mnogim svetskim casopisima i najavljuje u izjavama pregnosticara. Najpre slede prirodne katastrofe,Planeta reaguje,a onda sledi veliki kvantitativan civilizacijski skok. Ko uspe da se snadje u novoj dimenziji ,ostaje. U decenijama posle toga nece biti vazan novac,nece vredeti ,vec ko je koliko izgradio sebe u smislu ostvarenja ovozemaljskog zadatka za sta je rodjen.
Posaljite nam Vase komentare na E-mail: mladjan.kundacina@yahoo.com
Sve u nasem Kosmosu i zivotu je umrezeno i svi smo mi sestre i braca jedni drugima.
2012.godinu treba da shvatimo kao snazni proces naseg evolucijskog preobrazaja. Stvari koje ce se desavati u njoj samo su vidljivo GRANICNE ,pa zato toliko plase coveka. Do sada su one postojale,ali nisu bile tako intenzivne i vidljive. 2012.godina ce nam podariti EVOLUTIVNI SKOK u svemu! On sa sobom donosi novi oblik svesti,nova zajednistva i nove svetove. U 2012.godini ce nauka shvatiti da je evolucija SKOKOVITA,a ne kontinuirana kao sto se smatralo do sada! Maje rekose:”21.12.2012. pojavice se nova svetlost na Zemlji ,i to ce biti prelazak u novo doba”. Ovo ne znaci bukvalno opticku svetlost. Naime,sve sija i u frekvencama svetlece energije u nasem Univerzumu. Pa je logicno da preobrazena i nova svest coveka sija novim elektricnim impulsima u mozgu i svetlostima. Hajde da ne banalizujemo druge naprednije kosmicke rase koje putem sistema Svetlosti,Fotona i Ciklona vrlo vidljivo pomazu coveku od 2012. godine pa nadalje na njegovoj evolutivnoj lestvici,kako bi brze sazreo u univerzumskog (kosmicki osvescenog) coveka. Da bismo normalno ziveli u ovom periodu i preziveli ga,vazno je da shvatimo da je 2012. godina za celu planetu godina PREOBRAZAJA. Naime,solarne aktivnosti ,ali i druga kosmicka zbivanja u nasem Suncevom sistemu i u njegovoj blizini,neverovatno snazno deluju i menjaju elektricne aktivnosti ljudskog mozga,psihu coveka, stanje njegove svesti, raspolozenje i aktivnost. Sve ce biti energetski pojacano,i pozitivno i negativno kod ljudi i u njihovim zivotima. Sama “propast” tako zavisi iskljucivo od toga da li ce preovladati pojacani faktori negativnog ljudskog delovanja ili onog drugog-pozitivnog. Covek je deo Kosmosa koji direktno utice na njega i njegov zivot. Ipak,mnogi su na to zaboravili ,ali genetsko secanje ljudi se drasticno budi ove 2012.godine u tom slislu. Sve u nasem Kosmosu i zivotu je umrezeno i svi smo mi sestre i braca jedni drugima. Pocetkom druge polovine 2012.godine,Suncev sistem ce se naci u samoj sredisnoj ravni nase Galaksije. A kada se tu nadje, nove planete i astro tela ce svojim orbitama ulaziti u njega. Planete naseg Suncevog sistema ce tako postati vrlo dostupne za vanzemaljske kontakte sa onim sazvezdjima koja obitavaju upravo tu. Koliko budemo blizi toj kosmickoj lokaciji ,bice i ucestaliji kontakti sa raznim vanzemaljskim rasama koje su na vecim evolucijskim stepenima razvitka od naseg zemaljskog. Tako ce broj NLO i spoljnih kontakata na nasoj planeti biti dupliran u odnosu na 2011.godinu. Pentagon,NASA I drugib sve to znaju,ali kriju od ljudi. Kriju zbog panike,straha i novih zarada. Zemlja nam je postala pretesna. Moramo se siriti dalje svemirom. Sta mi Zemljani dajemo za to da nam se spolja omoguci sirenje po Kosmosu? Mi Njima dajemo svezi,nedirnuti,ljudski genetski potencijal,a oni nama visoku tehnologiju koju vec sada koristi globalisticki vrh sveta,moc nad ljudima preko svoje mreze globalnog poretka. Jacaju opet bogati, jacaju NATO i slicne vojne,kosmicko-politicke i astronomske strukture. Jaca vanzemaljska medicina koja se stapa i uliva se u nasu zemaljsku astro medicinu i kosmicku medicinu. Moderna medicina i nauka ce tek sada otkrivati u kolikoj meri je covek osetljiv na razna kosmicka i magnetna zracenja,i da se nasa DNK ponasa kao vrsta antene u primanju raznih zracenja. Najveca teorija zavere tako postaje nase ljudsko genetsko poreklo ,koje ce otkriti nove usavrsene analize krvi i DNK. One ce pokazati da covek ne potice samo sa ove planete,vec i iz najdubljeg svemira istovremeno. Jer 2012.godina ce jasno pokazati da vladar na ovoj planeti nije covek, vec je on samo njen stanovnik. Celokupnim zivotodavnim ustrojstvom vladaju mnogo mocnije kosmicke sile ,a to je ono to covek konacno treba da spozna,osvesti se i prihvati kao cinjenicno stanje. I tako prosvetljen udje u Novo Doba koje na planeti Zemlji pocinje 21.Decembra 2012.godine po sadasnjem Gregorijanskom kalendaru. U to ime neka je mir u vama i neka vam je srecna i presrecna 2012.godina. Autor: Irena Sjekloca-Miler
P.S. The portal http://planet-earth-is-a-living-being.page.tl is basically voluntary and fully depends on good-will donations. We are located in the Balkans in Serbia. Since we have not the proper conditions for functioning, we would welcome any help in any form. Since the economic situation in Serbia is very difficult, we would appreciate any financial help in the form of money, which would serve to us for maintaining of our site.
If there are any donations, please contact us through our e-mail, and we shall send you further information on money transfer. If you need any certificate that you helped our site, we shall be very glad to confirm your contribution. In case you need our certificate for tax benefits, it will be sent on your request. Your involvement will be highly appreciated.
Contact E-mail : mladjan.kundacina@yahoo.com
Politics | July 3, 2012 | 16:23
U.S. official in Belgrade for meetings with party leaders
BELGRADE -- U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Philip Gordon European and Eurasian Affairs and his deputy Philip Reeker are visiting Serbia this week.As soon as he arrived here, Reeker headed for the United Regions of Serbia (URS) headquarters, where Ivica Dačić had just wrapped up his meeting with Mlađan Dinkić. Asked by a B92 reporter why he took the trip to Serbia, he answered, "because I like Belgrade".
Belgrade is truly a metropolis. The position it has held through centuries, while standing on the crossroads of different cultures and customs, made it dinamic, hospitable and warm. Wide boulevards and big smiles on faces of the young is what Belgrade is all about. It is its energy that will make you feel at ease and right at home. The most famous locations in Belgrade are Knez Mihajlova and Strahinjica bana street, the Kalemegdan fortress and the bohemian quarter Skadarlija with its 19th century atmosphere.. Welcome to Belgrade.
Thank you for visiting. I hope you enjoyed your stay. Please come visit again soon.
Hvala Vam na poseti. Nadam se da ste pronasli ponesto i za sebe. Posetite me uskoro.
Contact Information:
Thank you for visiting. I hope you enjoyed your stay. Please come visit again soon.
Hvala Vam na poseti. Nadam se da ste pronasli ponesto i za sebe. Posetite me uskoro.
"If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your own path." Much love, Mladjan
"Each time a geometrical form is produced, an expression of the Universal Oneness is made; it is at once unique in time and place and also timeless and transcendent, representing the particular and the universal"
-J.A. Wheeler
Sometimes it is nice to listen to heart- and mind-opening music at the same time when just sitting back, relaxing and watching the universal play in the sacred geometry.
SA 21.12.2012.GODINE?
21.12.2012, 11,11 MINUTA
Astrophysicist Alexei Dmitriev says that both Voyager 1 and
Voyager 2 satellites reveal that our sun, as well as our entire solar system,
is now moving into an interstellar energy cloud. Opher, a NASA Heliophysics
Guest Investigator from George Mason University says this interstellar energy
cloud is turbulent. Dmitriev explains that this cloud of energy is exciting the
atmospheres of our planets and especially our sun. As this interstellar energy
cloud continues to excite/charge the sun, it causes the sun to become more
active, resulting in greater output from the sun. IE: Bigger and more frequent
solar storms and CME's resulting in the Carrington effect. "Earth and
space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human
~ Richard Fisher,
head of NASA's Heliophysics Division'
This year we have one requirement - to learn two cosmic
laws: the first one is to love our planet and the universe, and the second is
to learn that only our thought creates our world,destiny and our future.
Planet Earth will be equipped with a help of the more
evolved universe to step into 4D, and we will endure everything: cold, heat,
disasters, crises and UFOs.Listen only to your heart and be constructive, not
destructive, aggressive or fearful.Let us be positively active about the people around us, the planet and the
universe. This year we have one
requirement - to learn two cosmic laws: the first one is to love our planet and
the universe, and the second is to learn that only our thought creates our
world,destiny and our future. This will be ordered "officially" by
the Galactic Federation, the most powerful governing and administrative body of
the Milky Way, which will be ridiculed by many on the planet in 2013,by saying
that it is nonsense,nebulous,stupid and nonexistent... but we'll see, time will
tell whether it does exist or not! Thus,let us take a positive attitude and
unite with similar people on the planet, because it is the only way to learn
faster and make evolutionary progress in this stormy, but very crucial
times.Times in which the all of us live together on planet Earth.The higher
universe,into which all of us are going to sail, without exception in
2013,expects that from us and it tells us clearly by powerful fusion of our
human consciousness with the alien presence on this planet and around
it,unprecedentedly.Trust the universe that this is indeed the truth!
Univerzum je živ u svim svojim mаnifestаcijаmа |
"Život je ritаm koji se morа spoznаti. Jа osećаm tаj ritаm i uprаvljаm se po njemu i prepuštаm mu se. On je vrlo zаhvаlаn i dаo mi je znаnjа kojа imаm. Sve što živi povezаno je dubokim i divnim vezаmа: čovek i zvezde, аmebа i Sunce, nаše srce i kruženje beskonаčnog brojа svetovа. Te veze su nerаskidive, аli one se mogu pripitomiti i umilostiviti tаko dа čovek i sаm počne dа stvаrа nove i drugаčije odnose u svetu, а dа stаre ne nаruši. Znаnje dolаzi iz vаsione; nаš vid je njegov nаjsаvršeniji prijemnik. Imаmo dvа okа: zemаljsko i duhovno. Trebа nаstojаti dа onа postаnu jedno oko. Univerzum je živ u svim svojim mаnifestаcijаmа, poput kаkve misleće životinje. Kаmen je misаono i osećаjno biće, kаo što su to biljke, zver i čovek. Zvezdа kojа sijа trаži dа je gledаmo, i dа nismo oveć obuzeti sobom rаzumeli bismo njen jezik i poruke. Svoje disаnje, oči i uši čovek morа usklаditi sа disаnjem, očimа i ušimа univerzumа." NIKOLA TESLA
"Svi smo mi jedno. Ljudi su međusobno povezani nevidljivim silama. Kаd god je neko od meni bliskih i drаgih ljudi bio povređen, jа sаm osećаo fizičku bol. To je zаto što su nаšа telа od slične grаđe, а duše vezаne nerаskidivim nitimа. Neshvаtljivа tugа kojа nаs ponekаd obuzme, znаči dа je negde, nа drugom krаju ove plаnete, umrlo dete ili plemenit čovek. Celа vаsionа je u izvesnim periodimа bolesnа, od sаme sebe i od nаs. Iščeznuće neke zvezde i pojаvа komete utiču nа nаs više nego što mi to slutimo. Veze među stvorenjimа nа Zemlji su još jаče; zbog nаših osećаnjа i misli cvet će divnije zаmirisаti ili ućutаti. Te istine iznovа morаmo učiti dа bismo se izlečili. Lek je u nаšem srcu i, isto tаko, u srcu životinje koju nаzivаmo vаsionom." NIKOLA TESLA
The one who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. Those who walk alone are likely to find themselves in places no one has ever been before. Albert Einstein
There's a story... a legend, about a bird that sings just once in its life. From the moment it leaves its nest, it searches for a thorn tree... and never rests until it's found one. And then it sings...more sweetly than any other creature on the face of the earth. And singing, it impales itself on the longest, sharpest thorn. But, as it dies, it rises above its own agony, to outsing the lark and the nightingale. The thorn bird pays its life for just one song, but the whole world stills to listen, and God in his heaven smiles. What does it mean? That the best...is bought only at the cost of great pain. |
"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind." Albert Einstein |